## Assignment 01
## Pof.Daniel da Rocha
## Student.SHI Xinyu
# logic
# 1) creste an initial square
# 2) find these two points (pocA & pocB) for rotate the square:
# 1) get current line
# 2) use pointOnCurve find the four points of the square
# 3) use the formula to find the pocA or pocB
# 1) if this is even number times, find pocA as rotation piont
# 2) if this is odd number times, find pocB as rotation piont
# 3) select the initail square
# 4) copy & rotate the square by pocA or pocB
# 5) select the last square and run this again
import maya.cmds as cmds
# creating initial square
mySquare = cmds.nurbsSquare(sl1=6,sl2=20)
def realRecursionOpt2(iterations):
#select mySquare
cmds.select( cl=1 )
cmds.select( mySquare )
mySquareNew = cmds.duplicate( mySquare )
sides = cmds.filterExpand( sm=9 )
#create a list to store the positions
positions = []
for i in range( len(sides) ):
pos = cmds.pointPosition( sides[i] +".cv[0]" )
print positions
Xa = ((positions[1][0] + positions[2][0])/2 + positions[0][0])/2
Ya = ((positions[1][1] + positions[2][1])/2 + positions[0][1])/2
Za = ((positions[1][2] + positions[2][2])/2 + positions[0][2])/2
Xb = ((positions[1][0] + positions[2][0])/2 + positions[3][0])/2
Yb = ((positions[1][1] + positions[2][1])/2 + positions[3][1])/2
Zb = ((positions[1][2] + positions[2][2])/2 + positions[3][2])/2
if iterations/2 ==0:
cmds.rotate( 0,0,30, pivot=(Xa, Ya, Za) )
cmds.rotate( 0,0,30, pivot=(Xb, Yb, Zb) )
mySquare = mySquareNew
#recursion part
if iterations ==0:
return "Done"
iterations -=1
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