Sunday, July 12, 2009

Chinese whispers

Chinese whispers

::: SYNOPSIS :::
My idea is to have 1EMITER, 1RECEPTOR, and n number of TRANSMITOR!
The aim of this script is to bring the information from the
The information is symbolized by the red color, the white color symbolized the un-information ...
EMITER and the RECEPTOR doesn't move, only theTRANSMITOR can move!...

When a
TRANSMITOR hit the EMITER, the TRANSMITOR become red, the EMITER become white!
Then when this red-TRANSMITOR hit another black-TRANSMITOR, the red become black again, and the black become red!
The Information is transmitted! ... When finally the
RECEPTOR is hitting by a red TRANSMITOR, the script stop! ...

- Does this script too simple?
- I will try to clean a little bit the hit part! It's a little bit messy, and I found a new way to do it!

- I also want to script another scenerio based on the same principe

## Chinese whispers

import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import random
import math

# Function to create shader
def createShader(color, transparency=0, type="lambert", name="shader"):
#steps to create a new material
shadingNode1 = cmds.shadingNode(type, asShader=1, name=name)
shadingNode2 = cmds.sets(renderable=1, noSurfaceShader = 1, empty=1, name=name)
cmds.connectAttr(shadingNode1+".outColor", shadingNode2 + ".surfaceShader", force=1)
#steps to modify material attributes
cmds.setAttr(shadingNode1 + ".color", color[0],color[1], color[2]) #color in r g b values
cmds.setAttr(shadingNode1 + ".transparency", transparency, transparency, transparency)

return shadingNode2

# Function to create shader I need
def myshaders():
# Create the transmitter shader => no information
if cmds.objExists('noir'):
# stupid line just to say to python to do nothing!
nothing = 0
noir = createShader((0,0,0), transparency=0, type="lambert", name="noir")

# Create the Receptor shader => awaiting the information
if cmds.objExists('blanc'):
# stupid line just to say to python to do nothing!
nothing = 0
blanc = createShader((255,255,255), transparency=0, type="lambert", name="blanc")

# Create the transmitter shader => information
if cmds.objExists('rouge'):
# stupid line just to say to python to do nothing!
nothing = 0
rouge = createShader((255,0,0), transparency=0, type="lambert", name="rouge")

# Create the box shader, transparent to see what's happen inside! =)
if cmds.objExists('transparent'):
# stupid line just to say to python to do nothing!
nothing = 0
transparent = createShader((0,0,0), transparency=.9, type="lambert", name="transparent")

# Function to apply the shader
def applyShaderOnObject(obj, shader):
cmds.sets(obj, e=1, forceElement=shader)

# My idea is to have 1EMITER, 1RECEPTOR, and n number of TRANSMITOR!
# The aim of this script is to bring the information from the EMITER, to the RECEPTOR by the TRANSMITOR!
# The information is symbolized by the red color, the white color symbolized the un-information ...
# The EMITER and the RECEPTOR doesn't move, only the TRANSMITOR can move!...

# When a TRANSMITOR hit the EMITER, the TRANSMITOR become red, the EMITER become white!
# Then when this red-TRANSMITOR hit another black-TRANSMITOR, the red become black again, and the black become red!
# The Information is transmitted! ... When finally the RECEPTOR is hitting by a red TRANSMITOR, the script stop! ...

def hit(hit, agent):
### define what to do when it some collision is detected
if hit == "wall_rigid":

agentRole = cmds.getAttr(agent + ".role")
hitRole = cmds.getAttr(hit + ".role")
agentShader = cmds.getAttr(agent + ".shader")
hitShader = cmds.getAttr(hit + ".shader")

# If the emitter hit a transmitter
if agentRole == "emitter":
if hitRole == "transmitters":
#print agentRole # = emitter
#print hitRole # = transmitter

if agentShader == 'rouge1':
# change the color of the transmitter from black to red
obj = cmds.getAttr(hit+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'rouge1')
cmds.setAttr(hit+".shader", 'rouge1', type="string")

# change the color of the emitter from red to black
obj = cmds.getAttr(agent+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'noir1')
cmds.setAttr(agent+".shader", 'noir1', type="string")

# If a transmiter hit a emitter
if agentRole == "transmitters":
if hitRole == "emitter":
#print agentRole # = trans
#print hitRole # = emit

if hitShader == 'rouge1':
# change the color of the emitter from red to black
obj = cmds.getAttr(hit+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'noir1')
cmds.setAttr(hit+".shader", 'noir1', type="string")

# change the color of the transmitter from black to red
obj = cmds.getAttr(agent+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'rouge1')
cmds.setAttr(agent+".shader", 'rouge1', type="string")

# If a transmitter hit another transmitter
if agentRole == "transmitters":
if hitRole == "transmitters":

if agentShader == 'rouge1':
# change the color of the frist transmitter from black to red
obj = cmds.getAttr(hit+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'rouge1')
cmds.setAttr(hit+".shader", 'rouge1', type="string")

# change the color of the second transmitter from red to black
obj = cmds.getAttr(agent+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'noir1')
cmds.setAttr(agent+".shader", 'noir1', type="string")

if hitShader == 'rouge1':
# change the color of the frist transmitter from red to black
obj = cmds.getAttr(hit+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'noir1')
cmds.setAttr(hit+".shader", 'noir1', type="string")

# change the color of the second transmitter from black to red
obj = cmds.getAttr(agent+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'rouge1')
cmds.setAttr(agent+".shader", 'rouge1', type="string")

# And Finally, if an emitter hit the receptor!
if agentRole == "receptor":
if hitRole == "transmitters":
#print agentRole # = receptor
#print hitRole # = emitter

if hitShader == 'rouge1':
# change the color of the transmitter from red to black
obj = cmds.getAttr(hit+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'noir1')
cmds.setAttr(hit+".shader", 'noir1', type="string")

# change the color of the receptor form white to red
obj = cmds.getAttr(agent+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'rouge1')
cmds.setAttr(agent+".shader", 'rouge1', type="string")

# means that the information is propely transmitted
# so, stop the animation, and print a feedback state=False )
frame = cmds.currentTime( query=True )

# if an emitter hit the receptor!
if agentRole == "transmitters":
if hitRole == "receptor":
#print agentRole # = emit
#print hitRole # = trans

if agentShader == 'rouge1':
# change the color of the receptor form white to red
obj = cmds.getAttr(hit+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'rouge1')
cmds.setAttr(hit+".shader", 'rouge1', type="string")

# change the color of the transmitter from red to black
obj = cmds.getAttr(agent+".obj")
applyShaderOnObject(obj, 'noir1')
cmds.setAttr(agent+".shader", 'noir1', type="string")

# means that the information is propely transmitted
# so, stop the animation, and print a feedback state=False )
frame = cmds.currentTime( query=True )

class Agent:
def __init__(self, solver, role, position=(0,0,0), size=(3,3,3), color=(0,0,0), objType="sphere", rigidType="active", bounciness=.6, collide=1, mass=1, speed=5):
#set agent atributes
self.bounciness = bounciness
self.collide = collide
self.rigidType = rigidType
self.role = role
self.initialScale = size
self.speed = speed

#create the agent and scale it
self.object = cmds.polySphere(ax=(0,0,1))
cmds.scale(size[0], size[1], size[2])
#apply a color to the agent
#set the object color

applyShaderOnObject(self.object[0], color)

#create the rigid body
self.rigid = cmds.rigidBody(self.object,
name=self.object[0] + "_rigid",
sio=objType, #stand in object
cc = 1, #contact count
cp = 1, #contact position
cn = 1, #contact name
si = (190,190,190),

#add attribute to the rigid body to store the type of agent, r=1)
cmds.addAttr(ln="role", dt="string", keyable=1, w=1)
cmds.setAttr(self.rigid + ".role", self.role, type="string")

cmds.addAttr(ln="obj", dt="string", keyable=1, w=1)
cmds.setAttr(self.rigid + ".obj", self.object[0] , type="string")

cmds.addAttr(ln="shader", dt="string", keyable=1, w=1)
cmds.setAttr(self.rigid + ".shader", color , type="string")


def applyExpression(self, speed):
"Function to apply the expression to the agent"
#first disconnect the rotation attributes because we want to controll it via expressions
cmds.disconnectAttr (self.rigid + "ry.output", self.object[0] + ".rotateY")
cmds.disconnectAttr (self.rigid + "rx.output", self.object[0] + ".rotateX")
cmds.disconnectAttr (self.rigid + "rz.output", self.object[0] + ".rotateZ")

# Create expression for VehicleF with a random multiplier added to the expression.
randX = random.uniform(-speed,speed)
randY = random.uniform(speed,-speed)

expString = "// Set wander motion of vehicle and add random multipliers.\n"

if self.role == "transmitters":
#now put the text above in a python string
#the first lines define how the agent will wander

expString += "%s.impulseX" % self.rigid
expString += " = (cos(time*%f));\n" % randX
expString += "%s.impulseY" % self.rigid
expString += " = ((noise(time) * %f));\n\n" % randY

#the second part, how it rotates according to the direction it is going (velocity vector)
expString += "// Set orientation of Vehicle according to the velocity direction.\n"
expString += "float $fVel[];\n"
expString += "$fVel = `getAttr %s.velocity`;\n\n" % (self.rigid)
expString += "%s.rotateX = 0;\n" % self.object[0]
expString += "%s.rotateZ = atan2d( $fVel[0], $fVel[1] );\n" % (self.object[0])
expString += "%s.rotateY = 0;\n\n" % self.object[0]

#the third part, checking bumps on other agents
expString += "//checking bumps on other agents\n"
expString += "string $lastHit;\n"
expString += "if (%s.contactCount > 0){\n" % self.rigid
expString += " int $contactCount = `getAttr %s.contactCount`;\n" % self.rigid
expString += " $lastHit = `getAttr %s.contactName[0]`;\n" %self.rigid
expString += ' string $rigid = "%s";\n' % self.rigid
expString += ' python("hit(\'"+$lastHit+"\', \'"+ $rigid +"\')");\n'
expString += "};//endif\n"

self.expString = expString

class Crowd:
def __init__(self, numAgents=20, scaleRecept=2.5, scaleTrans=2, minPosition=-70, maxPosition=70, walls=1, speed=5):
#set the playback options to increase the time range
cmds.playbackOptions(min= 1, max=5000)
self.numAgents = numAgents
self.minPosition = minPosition
self.maxPosition = maxPosition
self.scaleRecept = scaleRecept
self.scaleTrans = scaleTrans
self.speed = speed

#get any selected objects
self.wallObjs =

#create the rigid solver
self.solver = self.createSolver()
#create the agents
self.createAgents(scaleRecept, scaleTrans, speed)
#create the walls
if walls: self.makeWalls()

# Create a box to contain the balls
def createBorders(self, scaleRecept,maxPosition):
cmds.polyCube(n="border", ax=(0,0,0), w=((maxPosition*2)+(scaleRecept*2)), h=((maxPosition*2)+(scaleRecept*2)), d=(scaleRecept*2))
cmds.polyNormal( nm=0 )
applyShaderOnObject("border", 'transparent1')"border")

# Create Solver
def createSolver(self):
solver = cmds.rigidSolver(create=1, current=1, name="crowdSolver", velocityVectorScale=0.1, displayVelocity=1, sc=1, ctd=1)
cmds.setAttr(solver + ".allowDisconnection", 1)
return solver

# Create x numbers of transmittors
def createAgents(self, scaleRecept, scaleTrans, speed):
self.speed = speed
transmitters = ['transmitters', (scaleTrans,scaleTrans,scaleTrans), 1, 'noir1'] #name, scale, mass, color
emitter = ['emitter', (scaleRecept,scaleRecept,scaleRecept), 1000, 'rouge1'] #name, scale, mass, color
receptor = ['receptor', (scaleRecept,scaleRecept,scaleRecept), 1000, 'blanc1'] #name, scale, mass, color

self.transmitlist = []
self.emitlist = []
self.receptlist = []

# Create the emeter
x = float(random.uniform(self.minPosition,self.maxPosition))
y = float(random.uniform(self.minPosition,self.maxPosition))
z = 0

emitagent = Agent(self.solver, emitter[0], size=emitter[1], color=emitter[3], position=(x,y,z), bounciness=0, mass=emitter[2], speed=speed)
liste = (self.solver, emitagent)

# Create the receptor
x = float(random.uniform(self.minPosition,self.maxPosition))
y = float(random.uniform(self.minPosition,self.maxPosition))
z = 0

receptagent = Agent(self.solver, receptor[0], size=receptor[1], color=receptor[3], position=(x,y,z), bounciness=0, mass=receptor[2], speed=speed)
liste = (self.solver, receptagent)

# Create n transmiters
for i in range(self.numAgents):
#get random x and y
x = random.uniform(self.minPosition,self.maxPosition)
y = random.uniform(self.minPosition,self.maxPosition)
z = 0

#create the agents
transagent = Agent(self.solver, transmitters[0], position=(x,y,z), size=transmitters[1], color=transmitters[3], mass=transmitters[2], speed=speed)
liste = (self.solver, transagent)

def makeWalls(self):
#get selected object,
#which should be already with its normals facing to the right directions,
#and convert it to passive rigid bodies
if len(self.wallObjs) == 0:
return "No wall objects were selected."
for w in self.wallObjs:
self.wallRigid = cmds.rigidBody(w, passive=1, name= "wall_rigid", bounciness=.8)


c=Crowd(numAgents=50, walls=1, speed=5)

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